• To protect our natural resources by applying the least harmful technologies to the extent permitted by technical, economic and commercial opportunities.
• To comply with Turkish environmental legislation and TSE ISO 14001 standards
• To control and reduce the environmental impacts we give to air, water and soil.
• To participate actively in our activities within the scope of our powers and responsibilities, with the awareness that environmental protection is the responsibility of all of us, especially senior management and all employees
It is Our Policy to carry out continuous improvement works based on these objectives.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy;
AK OVA CONSTRUCTION considers human beings as the most valuable asset in all its activities and adopts as a priority business target to create a safer and healthier working environment and to minimize any losses that may occur.
For this purpose: Diplodb>
• All local laws, regulations and standards regarding Occupational Health and Safety issues are complied with.
• All risks related to Occupational Diseases, Occupational Health and Safety are evaluated and preventive measures are taken.
• The effects of new projects and processes in terms of Occupational Diseases, Occupational Health and Safety are evaluated during the project stage.
• With the participation of all employees, zero hazards and occupational diseases are targeted by eliminating hazards at the source.
• Systems are developed to minimize our losses in case of any accidents or emergencies that may occur during our activities.
• In order to achieve success and continuous improvement, our employees and contractors are trained in occupational health and safety issues and encouraged to be fit and healthy.